Comparison of hand-woven and machine-made carpets

Carpets are one of the main pillars of home interior decoration and have a special place in Iranian culture. Carpets have a high variety in terms of color, design, type of fibers, size and dimensions, etc., and one of the most important factors in their classification is the way the carpet is woven, and based on this, they are divided into two main categories: machine-woven and hand-woven carpets, and each of them They can have different subcategories. Although machine-made and hand-woven carpets can have many similarities, they also have special differences that can be effective in beauty, attractiveness, softness, price, etc. In the following article, the comparison of hand-woven and machine-made carpets will be discussed and their differences will be examined.

Machine-made or hand-woven carpet
In general, each type of machine and hand-woven carpets can have unique features, capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, and one cannot definitely be preferred over the other. Choosing a carpet can depend on various factors such as people’s personal taste, amount of budget, type of home decoration, the way of lighting the environment, the amount of traffic and sitting on the carpet, the presence of children and pets in the house, environmental and weather conditions, people’s sensitivity to carpet fibers. , the filling and coloring of the carpet, etc. depend on it. By comparing hand-woven and machine-made carpets and checking their differences, you can finally make the best possible choice.

Differences between hand-woven and machine-made carpets
Machine-made and hand-woven carpets can be compared based on various parameters, because these carpets, in addition to their many similarities, can also have significant differences. The most important differences between these carpets are the following:

How to weave knots and place them
Handwoven carpets have uneven knots due to their different texture and are not uniform because the fibers used in their production can have different thicknesses or the weaver weaves the knots in different conditions. In machine carpets, all knots are completely uniform and always because they are woven by modern and advanced machines and equipment. It takes a short time to weave machine-made carpets, so that a high-quality and beautiful carpet can be woven in a few hours, but the way of weaving a hand-woven carpet is such that it may even take more than a year to weave a carpet.

The price of machine-made and hand-woven carpets
One of the most important differences between machine-made carpets and hand-woven carpets is their price, and since hand-woven carpets require a lot of time and the weavers have to spend a lot of energy, they can be several times more expensive than machine-made carpets. In fact, the high color variety of hand-woven carpets, higher quality and durability, more beauty and attractiveness, more softness and tenderness, the use of natural fibers and colors in the texture of the carpet, etc. can make hand-woven carpets have much higher prices.

The design and pattern of the carpet
In terms of designs and patterns, machine-made and hand-woven carpets can be completely different, so that hand-woven carpets may not have the same and integrated designs and patterns, and their size and symmetry may be different. In principle, the non-uniform thickness of the fibers, the different thickness of the carpet taropods, the weaving knot of the weavers, etc. can be the main cause of the asymmetry of the design and role of the handwoven carpets. Machine-made carpets always have the same, symmetrical and integrated designs and patterns, so that beginners and advanced people can easily recognize them.

The type of fibers used in carpet weaving
Today, different types of fibers are used in the weaving of machine and handwoven carpets, each of which can have different quality, characteristics, price and conditions. Usually, in the texture of hand-woven carpets, natural fibers such as wool, yarn, silk, etc. are used, while in the texture of machine-made carpets, various fibers such as polyester, acrylic, synthetic fibers, etc. are used. The type of fibers used in the texture of the carpet can ultimately affect the beauty, coloring, durability, price and quality of the carpet.

Carpet color stability
One of the biggest problems and challenges in hand-woven carpets is their color stability, because these carpets are woven with natural fibers and colors, and they may undergo changes and color combinations when washing the carpet. Machine-made carpets that are produced from materials such as polyester and synthetic fibers do not have such problems and have better color stability.

Color variety
One of the most important factors of the beauty of carpets is the variety of colors. In fact, less than 20 colors are used in the weaving of machine-made carpets, and for this reason, designs and patterns with high details cannot be implemented in these carpets, while in hand-woven carpets, at least 30 different colors can be used, and the number of colors used is sometimes more. Available in 100 colors. This high color variety in hand-woven carpets can increase its price in addition to its beauty and attractiveness, and finally, it is possible to implement any type of design and pattern in these carpets.

The durability of the carpet
Considering all the things that have been said, it is easy to understand which carpet is more durable. If the carpets are properly maintained, hand-woven carpets can be used for decades, while machine-made carpets have a shorter lifespan. As time passes and with more use of machine-made carpets, their beauty and attractiveness decreases, while the beauty of hand-woven carpets increases with time.

The softness of the carpet
Among other factors that show the differences between machine and hand-woven carpets, we can mention their softness and softness. Due to the fact that different fibers such as wool, silk and natural thread are used in the texture of handwoven carpets and the height of the thread is also higher, these carpets have more softness and softness. Also, hand-woven carpets do not lose their softness and softness over time and maintain it, while the passage of time will reduce the softness and softness of machine-made carpets.

The edge and sides of the carpet
The edges of hand-woven carpets are actually weft threads that are wrapped around the outer edge and hold each other, and these wefts can be an important factor in distinguishing whether the carpet is machine-woven or hand-woven, because different weavers can use different methods and styles to finish the edges of their carpets. to use Basically, in hand-woven carpets, the edges are stitched by hand and have unevenness and inconsistency, while in machine-made carpets, embroidery machines are used for the edges, and the edges of these carpets are more harmonious.

Carpet dimensions and sizes
Another important factor in comparing machine and hand-woven carpets is the dimensions and size of the carpets. Since machine-made carpets are made by modern automatic equipment and devices, they always have exact dimensions and sizes, while the dimensions and sizes of hand-woven carpets may vary. Also, machine carpets have more variety in terms of dimensions and they can be produced in any size and with any geometry. In addition to the mentioned items, machine-made and hand-woven carpets can be different in terms of heat and cold, beauty and attractiveness, weight, density, etc. In another article from the lady’s carpet cleaning website, to the review of Kh

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